
All these engagements and no circles...


OMG!! I got on here to post that Keilah (as of this week) was engaged and share how ironic I thought it was that 2 girls in the pledge class below were engaged (Keilah and Michelle) but none of us, and then I read Anna's post!! How exciting for everyone!!

Don't look at me like that. No news here. Just plugging away in law school. haha

Love y'all!!



Just a lil somethin...

Hey Girls!

Well, I don't have much to say about my life other than its great to have finally graduated except for the fact that I have to get a job and have no idea what I really want to do with my life. Oh well, I guess that will come with time. More exciting news for anyone who doesn't already know is that Angeline is engaged! Now all my roommates from sophomore year (Angeline, Jessica, and Michelle Small) are in the process of getting hitched, what the heck happened to me ha ha jk I'm still enjoying the dating life. Finally, I'm going to be an aunt in March but sadly we will not be getting another Chi Omega sister :(, rather we may possibly be getting another K Sig bro ha ha but most likely he'll be a Pi Kapp like his dad. That's all I have for now, hope everyone is doing well and I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Love ya'll,


The email queen has arrived!


OMG what a precious idea and a precious flag at the top of the blog! I've been so excited about this...just when I thought our "group emails" (i.e. Jen's chance to constantly respond to any and everything) was coming to an end, you gave me another outlet...yay!!!

Well girls, I wish I had something exciting to report. Here is my life: I wake up around 6 a.m., I am in class by 8, I stay at the law school until about 7 at night, I run around campus a time or two, I go home and eat frozen food and brief cases. THEN, on weekends, I get to do the same thing, minus class. Wow. That was almost painful to write!!

I have made all kinds of super quirky, wonderful new friends, although they obviously do not compare to all of you:) I like to think of myself as the LS'08 (law school) events planner but the weekly happy hour has turned into more of a monthly dinner or something weak like that!!

Seriously though, I really do love school, just a ton of work! Stew and I are still doing great (well, when I see him) and I have even managed to compete in a few barrel races. Now I'm just trying to figure out a way to get a job in Fort Worth or Dallas for the summer so I can play with all of you!

I keep up with all of you and your seemingly fun lives through facebook, so PLEASE keep posting! Also, if you're ever en route from Fort Worth to Austin or Dallas to Austin or Fort worth to Houston, or just whatever, and you want to stop in the thriving metropolis of Waco, I LOOOVE company!! (in fact, Anne Marie showed up on my doorstep about 6 weeks ago and now everytime my doorbell rings, I hope it is one of you but usually it is just my 8 year old neighbor who is kind of my new best friend. Or then there was that kid who demolished my brick mail box with his El Camino. But anyway...)

One of these days I'm going to make it to Dallas to play with like 50% of our pledge class. In the meantime, know that I'm missing the heck out of all of you and so sad that I haven't done a better job at calling and keeping in touch!

Merry Christmas!!!!



The Talented Katie Haugh!

So, the girl not only creates blogs -- she creates pretty incredible web sites too! www.pureandlittle.com -- anybody prego that we could buy for?? :)


Awesome idea Katie! I can't wait to hear what everyone is up to!



Hi everyone! Let the posting begin!